Thursday, 15 October 2009

Who is a quack?

I met two medical practitioners last Tuesday. One possessing an MBBS in Alternative Medicine and another a plus two (a revelation which I take as testimony to my skills in fieldwork than their audacity). Both were offering their services for a mere Rs.20. They worked among Bengali, Oriya and Assamese migrants in Kochi.
The idea of quack has interesting genealogies and is entwined with the rise of modern medicine and how it annihilated and devalorised other medical practices and traditions. But P. Sainath says that such practitioners could be killers in rural India where there is little access to health care. He particularly gives this example of a pregnant woman who died after too many saline drips administered by such a practitioner.
In Kochi, the single most disease that is cured by these practitioners is body pain felt after long hours of arduous manual labour. Usually a liberal dose of pain killer cures such symptoms. These workers work in quarries, plywood factories and chemical factories. Pain all over the body and chronic fatigue.
Why do these workers choose these practitioners instead of our not so bad government hospitals? They describe their ailments to these doctors who speak their language.
At one level, it demonstrates the need for affordable health care among migrants in Kerala. At another, it questions our perceptions of health care as malayalees where we seek the most specialized, preferably expensive doctors and hospitals.
The misfortune of falling ill and having to encounter the health system in an alien land is dreaded so much that the workers of Banma, Bihar when they went to work in the Delhi metro took the village healer, called guruji, who does massaging besides ritual forms of healing, mainly to ease body pain. Guruji is a handicapped person and has a tri-cycle. He does not work at the site. He lives off the fee he gets when he does healing. He gets food for free from the common kitchen of the workers from the village.
The practioners in Kochi are not ritual healers, they practice allopathy.
The Bengali practitioner says “I came here as a toursist and saw the suffering of Bengalis and decided to help them.”The Assamese practitioner is being promoted by a local medical shop which sends up Assamese customers who visit their shop.
After talking to some workers, I felt that they do not trust malayali doctors with their bodies, much less their ailments. “They keep using the needle too much”
The good doctor, bad doctor and the quack?


  1. stating an interrogative sentence is good until you make an answer for the same. I would like to hear an answer.

  2. who is a quack? it may be you...? or people like you.. or people like x and y...? Questions would not be an answer to further questions. search for truth.. search for answer. anyway nice blog name.

  3. Hi anonymous!
    I tend to be like this in my writings.
    Sometimes I think I need to be more rigorous. but I must say I like to leave some questions unanswered.
    I think quack is a complicated name for a medical practitioner because of the derogatory connotations. They insert themselves in the space created by expensive healthcare system and the failings of mainstream medicine.But one cannot underestimate the extent of damage they can cause.
    The last sentence was a question precisely for this reason. To hint at the binary of a good/bad doctor and place the quack right outside it. A question could always be the answer to another one especially if you can be consistently critical.

  4. Why don't you say something about your blog name and its caption? especially -o- i cannot link it with its content

  5. hi anon,
    o stands for all the unmentionable things.
    it is diagnostics and a report on the ways of life.
    i am sorry i hadn't looked at the blog for a long time and this reply is quite delayed.

  6. i feel you are a bit abnormal and fraud. am i right?

  7. i can understand that because i am a pa⋅thol⋅o⋅gist

  8. care to reveal your questionable self, anon?

  9. Good work. Please tell more stories of this sort from an activism stand point. Best of luck

  10. Thank you, senses take a turn!
